B. globosa is a large semi-evergreen or deciduous shrub to 5m, with dark green leaves and dense globose heads 2cm across of sweet-scented bright orange-yellow flowers in loose clusters at branch tips in early summer.
Foliage Semi-evergreen
Habit Bushy
Fragrance Flower
Hardiness H5
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Aspect South-facing or West-facing or East-facing
Exposure Sheltered
Ultimate height 4-8 metres
Ultimate spread 4-8 metres
Time to ultimate height 10-20 years
How to grow
Cultivation Buddleja perform best when grown in a sunny, well-drained situation
Propagation Propagate by semi-hardwood cuttings.
Suggested planting locations and garden types Flower borders and beds Drought Resistant Low Maintenance Coastal Cottage & Informal Garden Wildlife Gardens
How to care
Pruning Pruning group 2
Pests Can get capsid bug, caterpillars, leaf and bud eelworms, aphids and glasshouse red spider mite
Diseases May suffer from a virus