'Kojo-no-mai' is a deciduous shrub to 2.5m tall, with zig-zag branches bearing mid-green, lance-shaped leaves and single flowers 1.5cm wide opening before the leaves in early spring, petals white or palest pink, becoming deeper pink in the centre
H6 - Hardy in all of UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15)
AspectSouth-facing or West-facing or East-facing
ExposureExposed or Sheltered
MoistureWell-drained, Moist but well-drained
SoilSand, Clay, Chalk, Loam
pHAcid, Alkaline, Neutral
Ultimate height
1.5-2.5 metres
Ultimate spread
1.5-2.5 metres
Time to ultimate height
20-50 years
How to grow
Grow in any moist but well-drained soil. Makes an excellent specimen tree
Propagate by semi-hardwood cuttings.
Suggested planting locations and garden types
Flower borders and beds City & Courtyard Gardens Coastal Cottage & Informal Garden Rock Garden Patio & Container Plants
How to care
Pruning group 1
May be attacked by aphids, caterpillars and bullfinches
May be subject to silver leaf, honey fungus, blossom wilt and Taphrina wiesneri (causes witches broom)
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